Before I manage to leave this year without updating you at least once again on my musical pursuits, here we go. It’s been a very busy and productive period, not without some unseen circumstances in the mix. While I was lucky enough to escape direct damage from the recent flood here (back in September) many other folks in this area were not so fortunate. It’s hard to describe the power of water and gravity in confluence. The aftermath is amazing and humbling to behold. I had an extra person and an extra cat in residence for a few weeks as a result. In addition to continuing to help the local food bank with picking up donations, I also donated a piece of artwork to an auction sponsored by a local brewery to benefit flood victims, featuring art utilizing their labels in construction (see above image). I’ve been getting out more to jam sessions in Boulder and Denver this year, playing with my friend Chris Filbin and a bunch of other great guys, good times always. Industrial Hemp is in seclusion but still active with Justin Fulford and myself as the core. We’re working on old and new stuff with a mind to reforming as a quartet in the near future (updating the web site soon). I’m also at the beginning phase of work on a soundtrack to a documentary being filmed locally. I’m teaming up with Michael DeLalla (Falling Mountain Music) to score this film in the months to come (my first project with him), and I’m really looking forward to a creative and vibrant process and it’s results. I’m hoping to make a more sincere effort in the New Year to post more frequent updates as to my musical activities. We’ll see what happens. Meanwhile “Dreamtime”the debut work from Scorched by the Sun (Dave Stafford and myself) is being well received. If you haven’t given it a listen, please do. It’s some nice ambiance for a winter’s day or night. I hope all of you who stop by this site have survived comfortably, this year that was, and also that you’ll have peaceful and prosperous times in the New Year to come. Thanks again for listening.