Dec 31, 2013 | guitar, mosaics, music, recording, Scorched by the Sun, soundtrack
Before I manage to leave this year without updating you at least once again on my musical pursuits, here we go. It’s been a very busy and productive period, not without some unseen circumstances in the mix. While I was lucky enough to escape direct damage...
Jun 27, 2011 | guitar, looping, loops, MP3, museum, music, piano, recording, rock and roll, solo, soundtrack, Victrola
came from inside a device like this: a 1910 Victor Talking Machine with Morning Glory Horn. This particular machine is from the collection featured in the Dougherty Museum located 1 mile south of Longmont Colorado on State Route 287. I’ve been meaning to visit...
Jun 21, 2010 | soundtrack, touring, video
My apologies for being off the radar for so long. the last few months have been busy but not very musical. Many thanks to all the new folks who have come to read this blog and enjoy the podcast series. I see from statistics that a lot more folks have been listening to...