but still in San Francisco for the moment. Tomorrow is the last scheduled date for this tour and I’m looking forward to heading back to Colorado after that is over.  I’ve been looking over statistics for the podcast series for the last year and folks have downloaded episodes a total of over 29,000 times. I noticed while fussing  about that episode #13 in the series was not working so I fixed that and you can now hear that show in case you missed it prior to this.  I greatly appreciate all the interest people have shown in my music and this blog.  I’ve started putting together tracks for a new episode that will feature stuff I’ve been working on since I assembled the larger retrospective of my work in shows 1-34.   Thanks again to the guys at  http://www.twistedpapers.com/  for the wonderful graphic images used in the touring portion of this blog.  Best wishes to all of you, more soon after I get home.