
…..Spring is just a week away.  A few odds and ends to talk about: First there has been a change at the My Life in Sound podcast page. I’ve taken 6 of the short musical numbers and relocated them to my MySpace page where they will be available to hear and download for a short while longer. I’m beginning to arrange it so only the At-The-Helm podcast series will be available at that site eventually but to also showcase some shorter/newer works in the process, hence the roatation  I have also been asked to post starting times during the episode for the listed tunes since it’s all one big show now with no introductions for each. I’ll do this from here out and also update the info for episodes -17.18 & 19. Hope to have show #20 up in a week or so, meanwhile there’s a St. Patrick’s day musical treat coming later today for all who’d like to listen. Don’t worry no monkeys were harmed in this effort, have a good weekend!