Jul 15, 2009 | uncategorized
this city of Nice. Although Paris was lovely, it’s very pleasant on the coast here, warm and scenic. The accomodations at the hotel are more than adequate and it’s a treat not to have to haul our gear around town from gig to gig. The ballroom has a...
Apr 21, 2009 | uncategorized
after a last blast of winter in these parts. Work on Episode 34 of At-The-Helm is almost complete. The first version of the show ran too long and was really boring so I killed it and am now editing the second version, hopefully to better effect. My apologies to those...
Feb 24, 2009 | uncategorized
as I continue to work on the final episode in this retrospective. I hope to have it wrapped up soon. I’d like to welcome any new readers and listeners and thank you for stopping to check out my work After the final interview show there are still some other...
Nov 19, 2008 | uncategorized
….on this unseasonably warm day in November. I just wanted to say hello to everyone and let you know that Show #30 in the podcast series is almost ready for relaease. I’m behind schedule what with some technical difficulties and all but still on track...
Sep 12, 2008 | uncategorized
… or the ” I’m not quite dead yet” memo for those of you regular readers and listeners. As usual the month of August was almost fatal but not, however it did cause a delay in the release schedule for the At-The-Helm podcast series. My apology...
Jul 4, 2008 | uncategorized
properly attired for this Fourth of July 2008. Just a quick note to say the work continues here on the next couple of shows to come in the At-The-Helm series and my thanks to those of you who listen.  Have a fun and safe celebration of your own with friends and...