A quick hello from Hong Kong…..

where we’ve been very busy catching up on all aspects of life on the road,while we wait to head to Japan next. I have to say that I’ll miss all the stuff you can get to eat here. It’s been amazing food, even the Headstock brothers say the variety of...

It's raining but due to clear out I'm told.

here in Shanghai. The temperature is in the high 70’s a nice change of pace from the last couple of stops we’ve made. This city is huge, they tell me there are 20 million people in the greater metropolitan area and growing. As far as I know we’re...

A Big Howdy from New Dehli…

where it’s still warm but not quite as much as the Sudan was. This is a city full of history and people, quite unlike anywhere we’ve visited so far on this tour. The manager of the club we’re playing is an old friend of Eddie’s and we might...

Questions and answers in the desert…

should be the title of this post. After a few days here in Khartoum I’m ready for a cool down. It’s been in the low 100’s every day here so far and the hotel we are staying at, lacks any of the comforts that would alleviate that state.  It cools...

A Wonderful Day To One And All….

from beautiful Cairo, Egypt.  It’s been sunny and warm since we left Greece with no major distractions on the route. Hank didn’t seem to enjoy his time on board the boat as much as his brother Harold, but he seems to have recovered now.  The schedule...